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 69th Division, French Army, 1940

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pvt ugly
11 participants

69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyMar 19 Aoû 2008 - 19:22

Please excuse this post in english.

When the French Army prepared for War with Germany, they weren't equipped to fight the type of War that was waged against them. The French government, believing that their Army was strong enough to fend off any invaders, stopped allocating funds for the French Army, which ultimately spelled their doom at the start of WW2. The German Army had built up an impressive Army and Blitzkrieg style of attack that completely overwhelmed the French Army, and they weren't able to hold the Germans off

This figure is dressed in the uniform that was used in the Spring, 1940.

This figure wears the M1926 Adrain helmet, which was based off of the helmet that was worn in the Great War. M1935 Khaki shirt without the tie. M1920/35 Greatcoat, which was double breasted, and M1938 trousers. M1935/37 cartridge pouches, which were made to be used with the MAS36 rifle that he carries. The M1935 equipment was deisgned to be worn with only 2 cartridge pouches instead of 3. M1935 waterbottle(I need to do this one over). M1914 belt and suspenders. M1935 haversack, which is attached to the cartidge pouches and a leather piece at the back.

This is the same post using babelfish:
Quand l'armée française s'est préparée à la guerre avec l'Allemagne, ils weren' ; t équipé pour combattre le type de guerre qui a été faite contre eux. Le gouvernement français, croyant que leur armée était assez forte pour défendre au loin tous les envahisseurs, a cessé d'assigner des fonds pour l'armée française, qui a finalement orthographié leur sort malheureux au début de WW2. Les forces terrestres de l'Allemagne avaient accumulé un modèle impressionnant d'armée et de guerre éclair d'attaque qui a complètement accablé l'armée française, et de eux weren' ; t capable tenir les Allemands au loin Cette figure est habillée dans l'uniforme qui a été utilisé au printemps, 1940. Cette figure porte le casque de M1926 Adrain, qui a été basé au loin du casque qui a été porté dans la grande guerre. Chemise M1935 kaki sans cravate. M1920/35 le manteau d'hiver, qui était double breasted, et le pantalon M1938. Poches de la cartouche M1935/37, qui ont été faites pour être employées avec le fusil MAS36 qu'il porte. L'équipement M1935 deisgned pour être utilisé avec seulement 2 poches de cartouche au lieu du waterbottle 3. M1935 (je dois faire celui-ci plus de). Ceinture M1914 et bretelles. Haversack M1935, qui est attaché aux poches de cartidge et à un morceau en cuir au fond.

69th Division, French Army, 1940 French1_1.JPG.w300h400
69th Division, French Army, 1940 French1_2.JPG.w300h400
He also carries an ANP31 gasmask bag with a securing strap attached around the waist. I decided not to make the upper knapsack for this figure at the time that I made him. He wears hobnail boots with puttees.

Il porte également un sac du gasmask ANP31 avec une courroie de fixation attachée autour de la taille. J'ai décidé de ne pas faire le sac à dos supérieur pour cette figure alors que je lui ai faite. Il porte des bottes de caboche avec des puttees.
69th Division, French Army, 1940 French1_3.JPG.w300h400
69th Division, French Army, 1940 French1_4.JPG.w300h225

thanks for looking,
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69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyMar 19 Aoû 2008 - 20:54

affraid affraid affraid oh un français ça fait plaisir à voir beau boulot et belle figurine, j'aime bien 69th Division, French Army, 1940 752406 69th Division, French Army, 1940 752406 69th Division, French Army, 1940 752406 69th Division, French Army, 1940 511543 69th Division, French Army, 1940 511543 69th Division, French Army, 1940 511543 69th Division, French Army, 1940 511543 69th Division, French Army, 1940 511543
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69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyMar 19 Aoû 2008 - 21:53

Nice job hand
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pvt ugly

pvt ugly

69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyMer 20 Aoû 2008 - 21:16

Cocorico !!!.... dance
Thanks CC
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69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyJeu 21 Aoû 2008 - 1:08

affraid hand hand
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69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyJeu 21 Aoû 2008 - 10:52

69th Division, French Army, 1940 752406 69th Division, French Army, 1940 752406 69th Division, French Army, 1940 752406
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69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyJeu 21 Aoû 2008 - 11:18

Magnifique travail de recherche et d'exécution ! 69th Division, French Army, 1940 752406
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69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyJeu 21 Aoû 2008 - 12:15

Splendide !!!
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69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyJeu 21 Aoû 2008 - 15:21

Bello ++++++++++++++++++ hand
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69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyJeu 21 Aoû 2008 - 16:01

Excellent love
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69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyJeu 21 Aoû 2008 - 16:36

Encore un frenchy 40...Un régal !

Il vaut mieux faire l'information que la recevoir ; il vaut mieux être acteur que critique ...[Winston Churchill]  
69th Division, French Army, 1940 P_bron1069th Division, French Army, 1940 P_silv1069th Division, French Army, 1940 P_gold10
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69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyJeu 28 Aoû 2008 - 3:09

thank you. Merci.
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69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyLun 1 Sep 2008 - 12:55

du beau travail
love 69th Division, French Army, 1940 752406
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69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 EmptyLun 1 Sep 2008 - 15:21

Oui un français, venu d'Amérique !

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69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 69th Division, French Army, 1940   69th Division, French Army, 1940 Empty

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69th Division, French Army, 1940
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